France, Marseille, modern Tramway

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As the line numbers changed during the development of
the network, the photo pages are sorted geographically;
moreover, as the Bombardier Cityrunner was built in Vienna,
there also one page from there:

  • Noailles-Blancarde
  • Blancarde-Canebiere
  • Blancarde-Les Caillols
  • Belsunce-Arenc
  • Canebiere-Castellane

  • The presentation and transport through Vienna

  • Marseille, Metro
  • Marseille, Gares

  • Viennaslide Homepage | Mail to Viennaslide | Homepage

    A-1070 Vienna, Austria
    Kirchengasse 27/15
    Phone (++43-1) 505 54 90